Aug 6, 2008


Very informative….

More than a million times has it occurred that I have come across professionals, especially over the phone using phonetics like d for dog, p for puppy, m for monkey and so on...

It sounds really unprofessional and unfortunately this is mostly followed in Indian companies. I though of sharing my views and inducing everyone to use standard phonetics than the funny ones.. I truly hope this info does some good to all..

Here they are

A= Alpha
B= Bravo
C= Charlie
D= Delta
E= Echo
F= Foxtrot
G= Golf
H= Hotel
I= India
J= Juliett
K- Kilo
L- Lima
M= Mike
N= November
Q= Quebec
R= Romeo
S= Sierra
T= Tango
U= Uniform
V= Victor
W= Whiskey
X= X-ray
Y= Yankee
Z= Zulu

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